Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1st day of CNY, it cannot without ang pao!

First day on my CNY...

hApPY tIgeR yEAr!!

After reunion dinner in Puchong, my grandpa’s house (for us, it should be reunion breakfast. It was breakfast in the morning. hahahhaa). We went visited relative to get ang pao.

Go go go, going to take ang pao..

There are my mum's relatives.

Visit and visit all my mum’s relative, rush back to my uncle house (turn to my dad’s relative)… there were waiting us with card game! Hahaha…

Gong Xi Fa Chai, always speak out when met people. The elder member & relative quickly give ang pao to the children; of course include me although I’m not a child. Cause, the old men wanna play card game. What they always do in CNY? Is gamble!

But uncle’s house is not enough places to fix a number of people, even stand also cannot. So, next round, changed to my house to continues~

Our dessert while gambling, ang gu kuih and piggy cake( taste like mooncake).
The ang gu kuih got a lot of pattern too.

Those are the most unique design red envelope.

It also valentine day, I didn’t celebrate it cause I hv no my love yet. But I have my family to celebrate the other important day- Chines New Year.

* joy to the world *


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome back to college, friends~`

Today was UniSa & UWE programmer orientation. Chu chu called me yesterday for lunch today.
Oh, he is back! I was waiting and waiting till 12pm, and then I gave him a call to confirm the time he finishes. He said it would end at 1.15pm and he wants me to decide where to eat.
 When I reached in to Taylor’s , it already 1pm. That was terrible jam and hard to looking for a car park at that moment. Once I get a parking in front of MPH hall, I drive as fast as I can to fight for the parking lot. Finally, I got it! At the same time, chu chu called me ask my location. I told him better eat in our food court.

No choice, cause my class starts at 2pm.

He brings 2 friends along, Zaiyani & Nichole… ^^. I had long time didn’t meet them. I thought they are not continued. So, chilled up & chi chat in the hot air food court and satisfied our stomach.

I will bankrupt started from today. 1 plate of food is not enough for me! I need 2 set meals if every time I eat here!” Chu Chu.

Yes, it’s not enough. The chicken rice is small rice compare to outside. ><

Sunday, February 14, 2010

graduation ceremony @ KLCC

31st of Jan, I attended my friend’s graduation ceremony in KLCC. I have invited by them for free entry because they have extra ticket for me. I can felt their feeling nervous when they were on the stage. Of course! That was their big day!


I were their guest~ a special guest for them.

Cheer up, Girl!

The Taylors STUDENT !

Zaiyani was there too~~

See, I got the ticket!

First & second photo taken with barbie Ivon & Zaiyani.

*Emily & Pepsi  & Steph*

I was their guest, the special guest to them.

Our lecture- Mr. Kumar.

He is also our Accounting Daddy!
Father of Accounting, specialist on Account &Finance. He such famous in Taylors, student love him so much (although he never give tips to us and always treat student very straight- I mean, he always law by law).

 I m sure nobody who doesn't know who he is.

The sweet couple- Alice & Allan.
Thx Allan accompanies me on that day. Because when we get into the hall, we sit separate with the graduates.

We both were photographers, to capture their photo anytime. Be a professional camera girl, no problem. That’s my pleasure, I like to do that!

Elaine took photo v me be4 she go.
yes, u guys have graduated.Promise me, tell me wht u guys hv face when u get in work. u guys such my teaches. I will graduate, soon!

That day only girl in the ceremony, all the boys were missing. Boys, no matter u were there or not, Congratulation!
